1 TwistedPixel Control 2 TwistedPixel Property Page 100 General 101 Can't allocate global memory 102 Can't lock global memory 103 Can't open file 104 Area out of bounds 105 Flag argument passed in is not recognized 106 Invalid function arguments 107 Failed creating a bitmap 108 Unrecognized file format 109 File format not supported 110 Can't create device independent bitmap 111 Transfering data using GetDIBits() failed. Is this a compressed bitmap? 112 Clipboard is busy/owned by another application 113 DLL is busy 114 Bitmap is not 24 bits 115 Bitmap is already 24 bit 116 Bitmap is already in 256 color format 117 Bitmap is already black and white 118 Bitmap is already in 16 color format 119 I don't recognize this file as one of mine. Can't read this file format 120 Failed writing to disk. Out of disk space? 121 GIF: Unexpected trailer 122 GIF: Unknown Construct 123 GIF: Unknown Extension 124 GIF: Bad application extension read 125 GIF: Bad text extension read 126 GIF: Bad comment extension read 127 GIF: Bad header read 128 GIF: Bad screen description read 129 GIF: Bad type of extension read 130 GIF: Bad control extension read 131 GIF: Bad image description read 132 Bad read. File format corrupted? 133 GetDC failed 134 Can't retrieve metafile bits handle 135 Failed to register private format with clipboard 136 Failed creating a metafile 137 Image (or selected area of the image) is too small for this operation 138 I can 'Open' only my own files. To bring in images, you have to 'File' -> 'Import' them into existing document 139 Image merge failed 140 Can't create requested font 141 There is nothing to undo 142 Unable to open the Undo stream 143 Unable to open the Undo Compound Storage object 144 Too many files open 145 Do you want to continue WITHOUT Undo? 146 Undo storage write error 147 General Error %1 148 Can't backup image for undo operation 149 Can't create palette 150 Operation cancelled 151 Undo operation failed 152 File import failed\n\n 153 File export export 154 Operation failed\n 155 Error applying gamma correction\n 156 No valid image loaded 157 File format not supported 158 Corrupt file 159 Cant open/create temporary swap file 160 Error parsing JPEG file 161 Error writing temp file 162 Failed to undo operation 163 Can't open clipboard 164 Can't empty clipboard 165 Clipboard format not supported 166 Getting data from clipboard failed 167 Paste operation failed 168 File is not a valid ICO or CUR file 169 Invalid border width 170 Invalid shadow width 171 Invalid immediate width 172 Invalid combine operation 173 Image was not loaded through ManageThisImage(). Cannot give up image control. 174 Can't extract type information from picture 175 Picture type not supported 176 Can't extract data handle from the picture 177 Can't extract palette handle from the picture 178 Problem with Tiff file. 179 Invalid or missing TwistedTiff.dll file 180 Wrong version, Invalid or missing deco_32.dll file 181 Invalid or missing TwistedPng.dll file 184 No false color substitution for true color images 185 Color map has changed. Do you want to save it?\n 186 Image displayed has %1 colors. Attempting to load a false colormap with %2 colors. \n\nThe number of colors has to match\n 187 Invalid or missing TwistedPBM.dll file 188 Can't retrieve temporary path name 189 Can't make temporary file name 190 Failed file mapping 191 Invalid number of palette entries 192 No plugins found 193 Plugin filter is busy 194 Invalid color depth 195 Plugin filter area is larger than image 196 Failed to load plugin filter 197 Failed to get GetProcAddress from a plugin 198 Error in plugin filter parameters 199 Error in plugin filter prepare stage 200 Error in plugin filter processing 201 Image mode not supported by the plugin filter 202 Invalid plugin filter path 203 Interlaced PNG images with width or height less then 5 pixels are not supported 204 Invalid image size 205 No selection allowed when in FitToSize mode 206 No selection 207 Corrupt undo file 209 TwistedPixel Imaging Control, Version 0.92 210 TwistedPixel converted image